
  • Edwar Muda Maulana Syarief Universitas Lampung
  • Siti Anugrah Mulya Putri Ofrial Universitas Lampung
  • Dwi Herianto Universitas Lampung


On the Jalan Doctor Susilo, the Immanuel High School area is the place that is most frequently passed by, so it is very colored by the mobility of vehicle movements and the movement of pedestrians who cross as travelers. Therefore, crossing facilities are needed. The aim of this research is to analyze the pedestrian crossing facilities on Jalan Dokter Susilo, Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung in the Immanuel Bandar Lampung High School area in the direction of the monument and the health service based on the PKJI 2023 to analyze traffic performance and PUPR 2018 concerning technical planning of pedestrian facilities to analyze effective crossing facilities. The data taken is road geometric data, traffic volume data, traffic speed, degree of saturation, level of road service and volume of pedestrian crossings. Data taken from the crossing location on 2 observation days at peak hours on Monday and Saturday at peak hours, namely morning, afternoon and evening. From the results of the analysis of the type of road on Jalan Dokter Susilo, it is 2/2 TT with a traffic volume in the direction of the monument of 1868 Kend/hour. The results obtained are a degree of saturation of 0.72 PCU/hour with a service level of C and an average vehicle speed of 40km/hour. which describes the greatest density conditions found on Mondays at peak hours from 06.30 to 07.30 WIB in this area. Determination of crossing facilities is calculated based on PV2, namely 3 x 108 at the largest density on Jalan Dokter Susilo with pedestrian volume data (P) of 32 people/hour and total two-way traffic volume (V) of 3263 vehicles/hour, so that facilities are obtained The crossing is in the form of a Pelican Cross with waiting stalls. However, the installation of waiting stall facilities does not meet the criteria because Jalan Dokter Susilo does not have a median for waiting stalls to cross the road. Therefore, it is recommended that pelican crossing facilities be installed without waiting stalls.


