Kata Kunci:
Pariwisata, Covid-19, Pandemic, Jatim Park, MalangAbstrak
Abstrak: Pada tahun 2020 seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia mengalami pandemic yang disebabkan oleh virus covid-19. Virus yang menyebar begitu cepat membuat pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan lockdown guna menekan penyebaran virus agar tidak semakin banyak warga yang terjangkit penyakit tersebut. Adanya kebijakan lockdown di berbagai daerah di Indonesia membawa dampak pada seluruh sector kehidupan masyarakat. Sector ekonomi, manufaktur, transportasi, social, pangan, dan sector pariwisata. Pada sector pariwisata, ketika suatu negara memberlakukan lockdown, wisatawan dilarang masuk ke negara tersebut. Tidak hanya wisatawan mancanegara, wisatawan domestik juga akan dilarang bepergian ke destinasi dan acara wisata. Seperti yang dikutip dari berbagai sumber bahwasannya lockdown menyebabkan penutupan tempat wisata, pembatalan konser, dan penundaan acara olahraga. Contohnya penutupan sementara beberapa kawasan pariwisata di Malang, salah satunya Jatim Park. Jatim Park Group yang terdiri dari Jatim Park 1, Jatim Park 2, dan Jatim Park 3 harus tutup beberapa bulan hingga 1 tahun dikarenakan pandemic yang melanda Indonesia.
Abstract: In 2020 the whole world, including Indonesia, experienced a pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. The virus spread so quickly that the government implemented a lockdown policy to suppress the spread of the virus so that more people did not contract the disease. The existence of lockdown policies in various regions in Indonesia has had an impact on all sectors of people's lives. Economic, manufacturing, transportation, social, food and tourism sectors. In the tourism sector, when a country imposes a lockdown, tourists are prohibited from entering that country. Not only foreign tourists, domestic tourists will also be prohibited from traveling to tourist destinations and events. As quoted from various sources, the lockdown has caused the closure of tourist attractions, cancellation of concerts and postponement of sporting events. For example, the temporary closure of several tourism areas in Malang, one of which is Jatim Park. The Jatim Park Group, which consists of Jatim Park 1, Jatim Park 2, and Jatim Park 3, had to close for several months to 1 year due to the pandemic that hit Indonesia.