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Mulberyy III, sari buah mengkudu, semen babi landraceAbstrak
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh penambahan sari buah mengkudu dalam pengnecer mulberry III (MIII) terhadap kualitas semen cair babi landrace. Semen berasal dari satu ekor babi jantan landrace berumur dewasa dan ditampung dengan menggunakan glove hand method. Semen dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis, semen yang berkualitas baik dibagi menjadi lima bagian dan dikenakan perlakuan: MIII 100% (PO), MIII KT + 1% SBM (P1), MII KT + 2% SBM (P2), MIII KT + SBM 3% (P3), MIII KT +4 % SBM (P4) selanjutnya disimpan dalam kotak styrofoam bersuhu 18º - 20ºC. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap delapan jam sekali.Datayang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis of variance (ANOVA) dengan menggunakan program MINITAB 16. Tucey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase motilitas pada jam ke 40 menunjukan P2 40% lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada P0, P1, P3 dan P4. P2 dan memiliki persentase viabilitas spermzatozoa: 50,07±3,51%, abnormalitas spermatozoa: 6,29±0,37% dan daya tahan hidup: 45,91±1,48 jam. Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan sari buah mengkudu dalam pengencer MIII efektif dalam mempertahankan kualitas semen babi landrace, dengan dosis terbaik terdapat pada MIII KT + 2% SBM.
This research was carried out with the aim of studying the influence of the addition of fruit shrimp in MIII nectar on the quality of liquid semen of landrace boars. The semen came from one mature landrace male boars and was collected using the glove hand method. The semen was evaluated macroscopically and microscopically, the well-qualified cement was divided into five parts and treated: MIII 100% (TO), MIII KT + 1% SBM (T1), MII KT + 2% SBM (T2), MIII KT + SBM 3% (T3), MIII KT + 4% SBM (T4) and then stored in a Styrofoam box at a temperature of 18º-20ºC. Observations are done every eight hours. The data obtained was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the MINITAB 16. Tukey program. The results of the study showed that the percentage of motility at the 40th hour showed P2 40% higher (P<0,05) than P0, P1, P3 and P4. P2 and has a percentual viability of spermzatozoa: (50.07±3.51%), spermatozoa abnormality: (6.29±0.37%) and durability: (45.91±1.48) hours. It was concluded that the addition of mixed fruit syrup in the MIII diluent was effective in maintaining the quality of landrace boars semen, but the best dosage was found inMIII KT + 2% SBM.