
  • Ida Ayu Putu Putri Wijayanti Universitas Udayana
  • Ni Luh Nyoman Seri Malini Universitas Udayana
  • Ni Ketut Sri Rahayuni Universitas Udayana

Kata Kunci:

English reading skill,, , teaching method,, eighth grade class,, task-based language teaching (TBLT).


Reading skill is one of the must-have skills when learning English, which is why it is often given more emphasis. With the rapid development of time, teachers are faced with the problem of choosing the right method of teaching English reading skill, which should be in accordance with their comprehensive level. As a result, the implementation of inappropriate method in teaching reading skill is regarded as a major problem, which causes students to fail in many aspects of learning English. In accordance with the urgency of finding the right method in promoting reading skill, this study was designed to identify the use of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) suggested by Richards and Rodgers and types of reading task by Brown. This study used field research with two classes and one English teacher who taught the eighth graders at SMP Negeri 7 Denpasar. The sample was obtained using the purposive sampling technique, which was done by conducting a pre-survey. Data was generated from document analysis, interview and field notes as the evidence discussed in this study.  The first result showed that the apperception task was preferred during the pre-reading task. As for the main reading result, the use of scaffolding, grammar analysis and translation of the instructional text were dominant. Finally, post-reading was done by assigning written task, oral task and vocabulary repetition. In addition, the average score in the final exam showed a positive outcome of 9,8-10% score accumulation.

Reading skill is one of the must-have skills when learning English, which is why it is often given more emphasis. With the rapid development of time, teachers are faced with the problem of choosing the right method of teaching English reading skill, which should be in accordance with their comprehensive level. As a result, the implementation of inappropriate method in teaching reading skill is regarded as a major problem, which causes students to fail in many aspects of learning English. In accordance with the urgency of finding the right method in promoting reading skill, this study was designed to identify the use of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) suggested by Richards and Rodgers and types of reading task by Brown. This study used field research with two classes and one English teacher who taught the eighth graders at SMP Negeri 7 Denpasar. The sample was obtained using the purposive sampling technique, which was done by conducting a pre-survey. Data was generated from document analysis, interview and field notes as the evidence discussed in this study.  The first result showed that the apperception task was preferred during the pre-reading task. As for the main reading result, the use of scaffolding, grammar analysis and translation of the instructional text were dominant. Finally, post-reading was done by assigning written task, oral task and vocabulary repetition. In addition, the average score in the final exam showed a positive outcome of 9,8-10% score accumulation.


