Kata Kunci:
Beltsville Thawing Solution, Babi Landrace Spermatozoa, Vitamin CAbstrak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan vitamin C kedalam pengencer Beltsville Thawing Solution terhadap motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas, dan daya tahan hidup spermatozoa babi landrace. Materi yang di gunakan yakni semen segar yang di peroleh dari seekor babi jantan landrace berada dalam kondisi sehat, yang diencerkan dengan pengencer perlakuan: P0: BTS, P1: BTS+0,05% Vit C, P2: BTS+0,10% Vit C, P3: BTS+0,15% Vit C, P4: BTS+0,20% Vit C, dan P5: BTS+0,25% Vit C, selanjutnya semen di evaluasi dan simpan pada coolbox dengan suhu 18-20˚C, setiap 8 jam hingga pergerakan progresif 40%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan vitamin C pada perlakuan P1 mempunyai kualitas yang lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan kelima perlakuan lainnya, yaitu dengan motilitas 55,00±3,53%, viabilitas 55,00±3,53%, abnormalitas 3,51±0,91% dan, daya tahan hidup 45,67±0,95 jam. Dapat di simpulkan bahwa penambahan vitamin C 0,05% dalam pengencer Beltsville thawing solution memberikan pengaruh yang baik dalam mempertahankan kualitas spermatozoa babi landrace selama penyimpanan.
This study aims to determine the effect of adding vitamin C to the Beltsville Thawing Solution diluent on the motility, viability, abnormalities and survival of landrace boars spermatozoa. The material used was fresh semen obtained from a landrace male boars in healthy condition, which was diluted with treatment diluent: T0: BTS, T1: BTS+0.5% Vit C, T2: BTS+0.10% Vit C, T3: BTS+0,15% Vit C, T4: BTS+0,20% Vit C, and T5: BTS+0,25% Vit C, then the cement was evaluated and stored in a coolbox at a temperature of 18-20˚ C, every 8 hours until 40% progressive movement. The results showed that the addition of vitamin C to P1 had higher quality (P<0.05) compared to the other five treatments, namely with motility of 55,00 ± 3,53%, viability of 55,00±3,53%, abnormality 3,51 ± 0,91% and survival 45,67 ± 0,95 hours. It can be concluded that the addition of 0,05% vitamin C in the Beltsville thawing solution diluent has a good effect in maintaining the quality of landrace boars spermatozoa during storage.